Marketers measure a lot, the website visitors, ad impressions, the number of the customers, the sales and the revenue. Before the value is materialized in any forms, in terms of brand expression, pretty much anything that appear as something belonging to the brands, work as their medium with potential client engagement. While advertisements usually are the one-way communications, public relations and marketing, as well as CRM and sales, seek for more and more customer engagement, not just for the measurable results but for the long term benefit.
On individual level, engagement gives benefit on both ends. For visitors and clients, it is the point of awareness and emotional connection that can lead them into next step of the purchase behavior. For the brands on the other hand, it is the opportunity to appeal to the public with what they want to be known for, or simply to aspire them with their own heritages. Furthermore, on the consumer side, it is the great opportunity to see the vision of the future relationships with the brands including their concepts, histories, idea and products. Experience marketing is a good example. It is far deeper than just touch and try. The chance to experience the brand's gives them their own image, nuance, distance and feelings about it. It then becomes their own esteem around the brand and then about themselves being related to the brand in the way they are. Even when it gives the negative feeling, it is still something that they "get" from the opportunity of being in the brand or the brand per se, because, frankly speaking, besides the possibilities that the experiences are inspiring to anybody regardless, the feeling associated with them allows them to look deeper into themselves to be driven to something alternatives or better than that anyway. The moment of the brand experience is the exclusively shared their version of the brand expression. It is something special to them that allows them to be in the aspiring brand world that they wanted to experience in the first place. In the world of plus and minus, we do not see the "benefit" - but the exclusively shared moment based "esteem" is never something that we can measure. Rather, it is what we build together instead of the push and pull controlling or beside the pricing that stimulates the feeling of resource scarcity.
Indeed, this world is so much more fun with engagement. And the accumulation of each moment is the new source for the future brand world creation. It is the different spectrum that the business can affect through. Marketing with just measurable results can sometimes end up lacking in brand integrity and overall emotional impact in the long term. But the engagement for the engagement sake really can be the best co-creation and the rare opportunity to distribute and communicate the brand heritage that has been valued up until now. This can lead the brand to have the truly inspirational aspiring with much hope and motivation for consumers at any emotional stage. It can not always be just the target that the brand reaches out but the awareness by the mass as the supreme creator is essential. Our world is transforming from the hierarchical idea of ranks and positions into infinitely blossoming ultimately diverse world of humanity. If we see it from this co-creation perspective that enhance the quality of life of the people in the real diversity era, the expression with engagement has the immense potential to contribute to the market as a whole.